

Not only was the ground floor of the forest a peril to tread, but the creatures living in its branches make the canopy just as perilous, if not deadly. Bilbo falls into a cobweb and meets the owner of the one of the voices he had heard before but couldn’t place. The spider he meets is no ordinary spider, it is the spawn of the quintessential evil of Middle-Earth that destroyed all the light of the Two Trees of Valinor, along with the help of her cohort Melkor – Ungoliant. 

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Tekapo Lake

Leaving Paradise

Beorn had satiated their hunger and quenched their thirst as well as provided shelter and protection from their hunters. However, for them to reach the entrance to Mirkwood through the Elven Gate without getting killed in the process, they need his horses, well ponies. Before they even set off into what will prove a dangerous and almost quest ending journey, Gandalf needs answers only Beorn can provide him, and vice versa.

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A Chance Meeting

Bree, a place we have seen once before, a place where a monumental meeting occurred, a place where fear was introduced into our bones. Now, as then in the Fellowship of the Ring, Bree fulfills its purpose. Full of shifty characters in whose company no one would want to find themselves, doubting, suspicious and mainly unwelcome. Peter Jackson is there again with his carrot, a role he reprises with great determination. 

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Forest edge

…And Into the Fire!

Bilbo has reappeared, said his peace and now they are all finally on the same page. What they want is not the gold, or the treasure hidden inside the Lonely Mountain, they want a place they can call home, a place they could belong to. Thorin may have done everything in his power to provide for his people after the exile, however, the feeling of home they all long for he couldn’t emulate. They couldn’t find their place in the world of Men where they labored, for that is not their world. 

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Man behind tree

Out of the Frying Pan…

Finally, the company, and Bilbo, are free and clear of that horrid place in the mountain: the Dwarves because they were able to escape with their lives intact from the Great Goblin and the persecution of his minions after his death, and Bilbo who managed to escape capture and violent death by Gollum. Now that they have the safety of daylight on their side they can take a breath, regroup and continue on with their quest. 

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