1. Emanate understanding and compassion
2. Make her feel like everyone abandoned her
3. Make her believe you are the only one who can make her feel all better
Continue reading “How To Woo a Woman – a Guide by Grima Wormtongue”1. Emanate understanding and compassion
2. Make her feel like everyone abandoned her
3. Make her believe you are the only one who can make her feel all better
Continue reading “How To Woo a Woman – a Guide by Grima Wormtongue”The featured image you see above this text is a beautifully portrayed depiction of Gollum in his cave. You might already have an inkling of whose hand this image was drawn by. If not, I will reveal it to you.
Continue reading “Poetry in Imagery”I am an escapist. I have always been one. In order to cope with reality or just to simply maintain a healthy balance between the real world and my own, I sought the comfort of fantasy.
Continue reading “Just Me”It is difficult to describe or indeed specify the feelings that emerge when listening to music. It is an uncontrollable part of ourselves that lets the music touch every little piece of us. Whether they are old wounds in need of healing or simply a sense of joy, the overall encompassment into the life of a composition is inevitable.
Continue reading “The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit – Live in Concert”Erebor has been reclaimed. The leader of the Dwarf company along with the last two members of his line have lost their lives. The Dwarves of Erebor are now led by King Dáin Ironfoot of the Iron Hills. The lone Hobbit accompanied by the Wizard responsible for his quest, walks back home to the woods and little rivers of the Shire.
Continue reading “Back Again”There are no more Orcs left to fight, no more Azog to lead them. Those that have witnessed the three armies of Dwares, Elves and Men prevail, have fled to the holes dug for them by the Were-worms. The battlefield is silent, what remains is to come to terms with the losses that have occurred.
Continue reading “The Aftermath”The Dwarves have entered the fray with all their might and skill. They move and fight in a way typical for their race, as a unit, a team. The dexterity they have shown in Bag End while cleaning up after themselves, can also be seen in their fighting style.
Continue reading “The Final Battle”The battle has taken a much more positive turn for our heroes. As the Men of Lake-town struggle against the Orcs in Dale, so does Thorin, Fili, Kili and Dwalin ride their goats to Ravenhill to face their leader.
Continue reading “Attack From the North”The tide of the battle has turned. Not because the Dwarves’, Elves’ or Men’s forces have somehow doubled, but because the Dwarves of Erebor have joined the fight. The atmosphere and the moral of the troops already on the battlefield has gained in determination and will. The Dwarves have rallied to the king, thereby pushing the Orc frontlines back.
Continue reading “Conquering Orcs”The way Thorin’s acute mental state plays out is that these voices snap him out of the reality he has been living in. In a moment of relief and sudden emergence from his diseased state of mind, Thorin throws the hard-won crown from his head onto the golden covered floor of the Gallery of Kings. He can breathe the free air again, air that has escaped his lungs that have filled with the smell and influence of the dragon and its sickness.
Continue reading “Turn of the Tide”