Campsite at night

Gathering at Dunharrow

The call for help has been answered. Warriors of neighboring lands have come to support Gondor in their hour of need. There is much to be done and many who have awaited King Theóden’s arrival at the encampment. The Rohirrim, led by its King, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli at the forefront, survey the summoned army at Dunharrow.

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Man alone in the fog

Breaking Up the Trio

Even in these dark places, when all their strength has drained from their bodies, Sam still keeps a close eye on Gollum. He is determined to not give him a moment’s peace. His eyes are always watching him, assessing his behavior, tensing over his every movement around Frodo. But it is not only Frodo, he worries about. Sam’s own safety is also at stake. Since there has been no truce between the two characters, despite Sam’s threats, he can only stay on constant alert and fear for his life. 

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An initiation ceremony, purely superficial and utterly in compliance with Denethor’s ego. He could have left it as it was, in their first meeting when Pippin offered his services. Or Denethor could have made it a bit more casual like King Théoden, as Merry offered his sword to him. However, it would appear that Denethor tends to think very highly of himself, above all else, he stands on ceremony. 

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Two chess pieces


Without a word of greeting, a sound of accompanying music in a darkened hall, there stands Faramir facing his father’s judging expression. It is not the only judgment we see, but disgust, anger, and resentment as well. With the confidence in having done the only right thing he could, Faramir stands before his father without a trace of guilt. This enrages Denethor even further. 

Denethor believes Faramir should feel guilty and ashamed. There is no excuse for his behavior. There are no words that can resolve him from the treachery he had committed against his own father.

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New Zealand mountains

Lighting The Beacons

When there is no way of coming to any sort of agreement with two rivaling sides, the only possible positive outcome is the one we come up with ourselves. There is no point in continuing a losing battle with two stubborn and unrelenting keepers of thrones, for they only see their own pride and face hurt in providing any help to the other. Therefore, a deceitful plan to bypass them both might be in order.

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