Volcano crater

Before the Cracks of Doom

Frodo’s strength has failed him, he cannot fend or even move. The physical strain this quest has had on his ill-nourished body leaves him collapsed, clawing for breath. He now exists in the Void, fully unaware of his surroundings, seeing, hearing and sensing the presence of Sauron. Even the state of his inner world is second to that of his physical body. 

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The Tale of Two Heroes

The negotiations with the Mouth of Sauron had been cut short. Aragorn did not take his word for the death of Frodo. There is still a belief that he is alive and struggling to climb the slopes of Orodrúin in an attempt to destroy the Ring. As long as hope is alive, Aragorn will do his darndest to help his little friend. 

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Black gate

The Mouth of Sauron

A barren wasteland, ashy, grey and uninviting with its Black Gate sealing it off from the rest of Middle-Earth. The last time we saw Mordor’s Gate was with Sam, Frodo, and Gollum. Although unwelcoming, Frodo’s desire to accomplish his mission by entering said land overcame his instinctive fear of this place. As the Gate closed on him, there was a certain sense of this being his last chance of entering Mordor.

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In the Enemy’s Camp

The newly gathered Mordor army gathers within its walls. There are no motivational speeches, not encouraging sentiments and definitely no battle cries. There is just degradation and belittlement. They work together within the confines of fear and punishment. And although this cause and effect may be an effective way to follow orders, it does not really motivate the soldiers. They are not a unit that needs no orders to join the cause, they are there to serve the master whether they like it or not.

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Broken heart

The Last Council

The battle of the Pelennor fields has come to an end. The wounded have been healed. The city of Minas Tirith is resuming its normal pattern of life as much as possible. Grief and sorrow still permeate the consciences of the inhabitants and it will take time to accept the deaths of their loved ones. However, peace has returned to their homes, thanks to the sacrifices of the same people. There is a feeling of elation as well as that of remembrance. 

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Feet chained

A Moment of Clarity

For all the charges and breaches of gates that have taken place in Gondor, Frodo finds himself lying alone in a tower. He does not know what brought him here, how he ended up there or why his clothes are missing. As he wakes from Shelob’s stinger stupor, he is overtaken by panic and fear. What else could he possibly feel? Alone, almost naked in an unwelcoming place with his hands tied. That he managed to keep his composure as he awoke is an incredible achievement.

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Woman and angel

Houses of Healing

Within the walls of Minas Tirith, there lie the Houses of Healing. In those houses, women, and men who have knowledge of healing herbs, rudimentary medical practices use their knowledge to help the inhabitants of the Citadel. As the battle of the Pelennor fields has taken its toll on the men, and woman, there is a dire need for their healing knowledge. Since there are only a limited number of healers, everyone who is able to help is welcome. 

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Woman warrior

The Resolution

Without a captain or a crew, the Corsair ships sail along the Anduin River, a ghost ship only not as haunting or creepy as it would normally seem. The ships seem abandoned as if the crew left it to drift alone. Given the welcome that the Corsairs would have gotten from their allies, it would only be fair to reply in kind. However, the reply comes from someone they did not expect to find aboard a pirate ship.

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