The Dead Marshes

The Dead Marshes Understandings

When misery surrounds you, where do you turn? To your companions, of course. The monotony of the Dead Marshes introduces Frodo, Sam, and Gollum to a new co-existing relationship. The three characters couldn`t be more different from one another at this point. Sam ever on his guard because of Gollum, who is struggling with hunger, and Frodo – innocent and merciful. However, in this forsaken place, the relationship between Gollum and Frodo starts to shift. 

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Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Being held captive by the most menacing and ugliest race ever to walk Middle-Earth is certainly fear-inducing. The only good thing about the situation is they are alive. The Uruk-hai don’t know they don`t possess the Ring that Saruman contracted them to bring to Isengard. They are certainly not going to blow their cover if they want to stay alive. But escaping this foul company is a goal they want to achieve. 

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Grima and Theoden

Hope and Banishment

Hope dwindling, casualties amounting, Westfold burning and a King overturned. A terrible fate has befallen Rohan. Their forces have been slaughtered by the Uruk-hai. The King’s son is on the brink of death, yet still, nothing has moved, all remains veiled in darkness.

There is no hope from within or out, their luck had run out. A couple of good Men stayed behind fighting for a good cause. Their voices muted by those in power to keep the plan of the Fall of Rohan alive and well.

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Bilbo and the Ring

Bilbo’s Alternate Personality

It’s incredible how fast Bilbo’s behavior changes when he eyes the Ring around Frodo’s neck. It’s as if a completely different part of him had been activated and could only focus on the Ring. The loving, giving and altruistic part all gone, because of this little golden piece of jewelry. The possessive nature that the Ring brings out in Bilbo, is an extremely powerful feeling.

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